福清闽侯县.长乐市长城5070船舶气缸油销售处Performance characteristics
Lubrication performance: Good oil and diffusion performance, can form an appropriate thickness of oil film between piston and cylinder wall, keep the cylinder sleeve parts fully smooth
Acid neutralization capacity: appropriate base value, effective neutralization of acid produced by combustion of sulfur-containing fuel
Cleansing dispersion: excellent cleaning dispersion performance, effectively reduce the trend of sediment formation of piston, cylinder sleeve and air sweep, and avoid the wear caused by sediments
Wear resistance: outstanding wear resistance, extending the service life of engine parts
Adhesion and viscosity characteristics: Ensure proper viscosity at higher temperatures and distribute throughout the working surface
Mixture Adaptability: Good Mixture Adaptability with Common Oil Products
Technical specifications
The product meets the following specifications:
Q/SH 303,081-2004
field of application
Cylinder lubrication for cross-head marine diesel engines with high sulphur or slag fuel
When choosing marine cylinder oil, select the appropriate viscosity grade oil product according to the working temperature, and then select products with different alkaline values according to the fuel sulfur content. Zhejiang Great Wall 50100 marine cylinder oil,
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