三明市.沙县.大田县..尤溪县永安市,梅列区.建宁县.三元区.明溪县.泰宁县.清流县.将乐县.宁化县三明尤溪县永安市壳牌导轨油68号批发销售 张先生Performance characteristics:
1, excellent low friction, can reduce the guide rail due to "crawling" caused by vibration;
2, high oxidation stability, can be used at high temperatures, extend the service life of oil products;
3, high viscosity stability, low viscosity when the machine tool starts, high working temperature can still maintain a suitable viscosity, reduce oil leakage;
4, the separation performance of the emulsion has been strengthened to prevent the emulsion from being washed away; 5, anti-corrosion performance is strong, can effectively protect the metal surface of the machine tool;
6, to prevent the processing of workpieces contaminated;
7, excellent anti-wear performance.
:: Excellent friction properties
The special formula can effectively overcome the "crawling motion" phenomenon in the low-speed operation of the machine tool, and ensure accurate motion positioning, so as to improve the machining surface accuracy and the workpiece size accuracy.
Leading technology
Developed in cooperation with leading machine tool manufacturers to meet the lubrication re of today's most advanced machine tools using a variety of different guide rail materials.
The strong rail adhesion has a strong adhesion to the surface of metal and Plated plastic guide rails and has a good protective effect. It is not easy to be washed off by cutting fluids. Otherwise, dirt(such as generated in metal cutting fluids) adheres to the guide rails., The deviation to the central part of the machine will affect the machining accuracy and cause the guide rail to corrode.
Excellent anti-emulsifying performance
It is not easy to form emulsions with metal processing fluids, but it floats on its surface and is easily separated. Can extend the oil cycle and reduce costs
Excellent abrasion resistance
Provide excellent wear protection for guide rails, Gears, bearings and hydraulic system components.
Strong corrosion resistance
Even with water-soluble cutting liquid, it can provide effective protection against rust and corrosion for machine tools and workpieces.
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