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发布时间: 2020-03-23 22:21
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壳牌润滑油,龙岩漳平壳牌不燃液压油销售代理 张先生

壳牌FR-46抗燃液压油,最新一代聚醚型多元醇抗燃液压油EcoSafe FR,在抗燃液压油技术进步方面展示出了意义非凡的优势。该产品为全合成产品,其所提供的性能表现大大超越了传统矿物型抗磨液压油。相对于其它合成型液压油产品在性能表现和环保方面亦有明显优势。聚醚型多元醇抗燃液压油EcoSafe FR被广泛应用于包括带有伺服阀的高压系统、液力驱动系统和所有具有自动系统的工业及机器人设备领域。EcoSafe FR为新一代具备高黏度指数的聚醚型多元醇合成基础油,添加非金属成分添加剂调配而成。与传统的磷酸脂和多元,醇抗燃液压油不同,新一代聚醚型多元醇抗燃液压油EcoSafe FR产品在水的作用下不水解,从而保证了EcoSafe FR抗燃液压油在实际工作中品质不变,并将液压系统的潜在风险降到最低。其结果是所处最苛刻的工况中,聚醚型多元醇抗燃液压油EcoSafe FR也能有效延长换油周期。新一代聚醚型多元醇抗燃液压油EcoSafe FR是按照Factory Mutual授权方法分类的阻燃型液压油,严格满足可生物降解性和低毒性的要求Shell FR - 46 flame resistant hydraulic oil, the latest generation type polyether polyol flame resistant hydraulic oil EcoSafe FR, technical progress in flame resistant hydraulic oil shows the remarkable advantage. Provided the product is fully synthetic product, its performance is greatly beyond the traditional mineral type anti-wear hydraulic oil. At the same time, relative to other synthetic products to the hydraulic oil also has obvious advantages in terms of performance and environmental protection. Polyether polyols type flame resistant hydraulic oil EcoSafe FR with servo valve is widely used in include high pressure system, hydraulic drive system, and all has the automatic system of industrial and robotic devices. EcoSafe FR for a new generation with high viscosity index type polyether polyol synthetic base oil, add nonmetal ingredient additives. With traditional phosphate ester and multivariate, alcohol flame resistant hydraulic oil, a new generation of polyether polyols type flame resistant hydraulic oil EcoSafe FR product under the action of water, hydrolysis, thus ensuring the EcoSafe FR flame resistant hydraulic oil remains the same in the practical work, and minimize the potential risk of the hydraulic system. The result is: even in the most demanding conditions of polyether polyols type flame resistant hydraulic oil EcoSafe FR can effectively extend the oil change period. A new generation of polyether polyols type flame resistant hydraulic oil EcoSafe FR is according to Factory Mutual authorization method classification of flame retardant hydraulic oil, at the same time, strictly meet the re of biodegradable and low toxicity.

  • 地址:漳州龙文区香榭花都5栋101室
  • 电话:0596-6265557
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  • 手机:13799820453
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  • 联系人:张立全