报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 2222 桶
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2020-03-23 22:23
浏览次数: 158
手机号: 13799820453
电话: 0596-6265557
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Packaging specifications: 18L/barrel, 208L/barrel

Mobil gear XP460, Mobil gear XP460 Series Mobil gear XP460, Mobil gear XP460 Series Mobil gear oil 600XP460, Mobil gear XP460 Series Mobil gear XP460, Mobil gear XP460 Series Mobil gear oil 600XP460, Mobil gear XP460 Series

Tianjin Weima Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. has a complete range of products, timely supply, assurance, wholesale supply to customers at all levels throughout the country! Suitable lubricant products can be recommended according to the e conditions of customers!

Mobilgear 600XP Series Mobilgear 600XP series is a specially developed industrial gear oil with excellent performance and complete synthesis. Even in harsh conditions, it can provide good protection for e and prolong the life of oil products. Because Mobil's polyolefin (PAO) technology has good antioxidant and thermal stability. Natural high viscosity index. Excellent low-temperature fluidity and free of common undesirable compounds in mineral oils, it was selected as base oil. Mobil gear oil SHC XMP series is recommended for sealed industrial gear transmission devices, including steel-to-steel cylindrical, spiral and bevel gears. It is especially recommended for applications that may be subject to micro-pitting corrosion, especially for heavy-duty gearboxes with tooth metals treated by surface fire.

  • 地址:漳州龙文区香榭花都5栋101室
  • 电话:0596-6265557
  • 邮件:649389248@qq.com
  • 手机:13799820453
  • 传真:0596-6265380
  • 联系人:张立全