报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 2222 桶
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2020-03-23 22:23
浏览次数: 105
手机号: 13799820453
电话: 0596-6265557
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1. Product and Enterprise Information
Product Name: Anti-wear Hydraulic Oil L-HM 32
Product Classification: Hydraulic Oil
Product name: Kunlun Anti-wear Hydraulic Oil L-HM 32
Recommended Use: Suitable for lubrication of hydraulic system.
2, product composition and composition information
This product is a refined lubricant base oil and additive mixture, the composition content is a weight percentage.
Composition Number(WT %) CAS Number
Refining base oil ≥ 95
Hazardous substances to be disclosed:
Zinc disulfide diphosphate
3, danger overview
According to the national standard "Fire Protection Code for Petrochemical Enterprises", this product belongs to Class C combustible liquid.
Enquiry GB 12268 "Dangerous Goods List" is not a dangerous product. In normal use, this product
Kunlun L -- MHM Anti-wear Hydraulic Oil
There is no risk of unpredictability.
Physical / chemical hazard category: not classified as hazardous.
Health risk category: no apparent hazard.
Health hazards: This product may produce oil mist in some applications, excessive exposure to liquids and oil mist can
Can cause skin and eye irritation, may lead to respiratory stimulation and damage, and aggravate the original asthma, etc..
Respiratory diseases. Careless ingestion of a large number of serious damage to the digestive system, should take timely rescue measures.
Environmental hazard: it is harmful to the environment and should prevent pollution to soil and water bodies

  • 地址:漳州龙文区香榭花都5栋101室
  • 电话:0596-6265557
  • 邮件:649389248@qq.com
  • 手机:13799820453
  • 传真:0596-6265380
  • 联系人:张立全