报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 22221 桶
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发布时间: 2020-03-23 22:27
浏览次数: 106
手机号: 13799820453
电话: 0596-6265557
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三明市.沙县.大田县..尤溪县永安市,梅列区.建宁县.三元区.明溪县.泰宁县.清流县.将乐县.宁化县三明附近三元区明溪县长城传动油代理商  张先生[产品性能]良好的粘温性能与低温特性,确保在任何工况下都能有效减少所传递的动能损失;优良的抗氧防锈性能,延长设备使用寿命;良好的抗磨性及适宜的摩擦特性,使车辆具有良好的换档感觉。优良的抗泡性和空气释放性,保证液压系统工作灵敏、准确、平稳;与各种常规密封材料均有良好的适应性。[应用范围]适用于工业、农用机械及其他设备的液力变矩器与液力偶合器,也适用于各类轻型客车及货车的自动变速箱。其中6号液力传动油适用于内燃机车及载重矿车、工程机械等的液力传动系统;8号适用于轿车及进口车辆的液力传动系统;8D号适用于对凝点(很低)有特殊要求的液力传动系统。[产品品种]可提供6号、8号、8D号液力传动油三个品种牌号。[典型数据]产品典型数据项目6号8号8D试验方法  运动粘度mm2/s,100℃5.7847.8848.298GB/T265  -20℃  密度(20℃),kg/m3876.6881.6882.1GB/T1884  闪点(开口),℃GB/T267  凝点,℃-31-51<-51GB/T510  水分,%(m/m)痕迹痕迹痕迹GB/T260  机械杂质,%(m/m)0.0084无无GB/T2511   

[ Product Performance] Good viscosity and low temperature characteristics ensure that under any working conditions can effectively reduce the transmission of kinetic energy loss; Excellent anti-oxygen and anti-rust performance, prolong the service life of the e; Good wear resistance and suitable friction characteristics make the vehicle have a good shift feeling. Excellent anti-bubble and air release, ensure that the hydraulic system is sensitive, accurate and stable; It has good adaptability to all kinds of conventional sealing materials. [ Scope of application] For industrial, agricultural machinery and other e hydraulic torque converter and hydraulic couplers, but also for all types of light passenger vehicles and truck automatic transmission. Among them, No. 6 hydraulic transmission oil is suitable for hydraulic transmission systems such as diesel locomotives, load mines, and construction machinery; No. 8 is suitable for hydraulic transmission systems for limousines and imported vehicles; 8D is suitable for hydraulic transmission systems with special re for condensing points(very low). [ Product variety] Can provide No. 6, No. 8, 8D hydraulic 

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