报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 22221 桶
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发布时间: 2020-03-23 22:24
浏览次数: 197
手机号: 13799820453
电话: 0596-6265557
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A三明将乐宁化县长城齿轮油厂家规格批发戴理  张先生

Great Wall Deway CKD Heavy Load Industrial Gear Oil:
The Great Wall Brand CKD Heavy Load Industrial Gear Oil is composed of high viscosity index high- basic oil and multifunctional additives. It has excellent carrying capacity and can ensure smooth operation of heavy-duty gears. This product is divided into 100, , 460, 680, 1000 and other brands according to 40 °C motion viscosity.
Performance characteristics
1: Excellent load-bearing ability to ensure that the gears are running smoothly to reduce gear abrasions and effectively reduce operating noise
2: Good thermal stability, strong antioxidant, can reduce the production of all kinds of harmful oxides and oily mud
3: Excellent antibacterial corrosion performance, effectively inhibit the corrosion and wear of components
4: Good oil and water separation ability and foam resistance, long service life
Technical specifications
The product meets the following specifications:
1: CB5903-95(l-CKD)
2: Q/SH303,063-2007
3: AIST(US SteeI) No. 224
4: AGMA 9005-E02 EP
field of application
Suitable for the steel, cement, electric power, mining and other industries working conditions extremely harsh closed gear transmission system
It is suitable for positive gear, Bevel gear, spiral Bevel gear, bearing, etc..

  • 地址:漳州龙文区香榭花都5栋101室
  • 电话:0596-6265557
  • 邮件:649389248@qq.com
  • 手机:13799820453
  • 传真:0596-6265380
  • 联系人:张立全